Pool & Equalisation Training

Freediving Pool & Equalisation Training

Pool Training

We run Freediving Pool training every Tuesday between 19:00 - 20:00 at the Markievicz Leisure Centre in Dublin 2. Pool training is a great way to stay Freediving-fit out of season and to learn and develop proficiency Freediving pool disciplines. Sessions cost €30 / session. Note: You will need to have completed an Introduction to Freediving course prior to joining these pool sessions. You must also supply your own equipment including fins, mask and snorkel. Weights are provided at the pool.

Equalisation Training

Equalisation can be a challenging subject for beginner Freedivers. A poor understanding of the mechanics of equalisation can interfere with a student’s ability to change equalisation habits, typically from Valsalva to Frenzel. Join this 4-week online equalisation basics course where you will learn the following:

• The Anatomy of Equalization
• Valsalva technique
• Frenzel technique
• How to Learn (or Improve) your Frenzel Equalization
• Intro to advanced EQ / Mouthfill basics

Freediving Pool Disciplines

Dynamic With Fins (DYN)

DYN is most often a pool discipline in which the freediver travels in a horizontal position underwater attempting to cover the greatest possible distance. Any propulsion aids, other than fins or a monofin and swimming movements with the arms, are prohibited. Dynamic with fins is the most common of the horizontal distance disciplines because of the specific means of propulsion; long fins or monofin.

Dynamic With Bi-Fins (DYNB)

DYNB allows the freediver to swim with Bi-fins only with their airway submerged attempting to cover the greatest possible distance. Propulsion aids other than Bi-fins are prohibited.

Dynamic Without Fins (DNF)

The freediver travels in a horizontal position underwater attempting to cover the greatest possible distance using a modified breaststoke . Propulsion aids of any sort are prohibited. DYN requires good technique, relaxation, and a long breath hold in order to achieve the greatest distance. The minimum pool standards are the same as for DYN.

Static Apnea (STA)

The freediver holds their breath for as long as possible with his nose and mouth immersed while floating on the surface of the water or standing on the bottom of a pool. Static apnea is the only discipline based on time of breathhold and not distance.